CAFE is an assistive evaluation toolkit that can be used by academics to apply CLT principles and effects to improve their flexible learning materials, particularly to advantage lower-performing students. CAFE Toolkit
A research project that is examining how multimedia training materials designed using Cognitive Load Theory can be used to make home dialysis training more successful. (Coming soon)
We have several research projects surrounding the "IT Girls" workshops that are designed using cognitive load theory. Watch this space for papers and also new projects.
Please check back regularly to see what's new in our group. If you would like to collaborate on a project, please contact us.
Closely related to out previous work on cognitive load theory applied in authentic learning environments was a new study published this month at the Australasian Computing Education Conference. The paper looked at the difference in performance of international students given an exam that had had its design modified by cognitive load theory application, without decreasing the difficulty of the content.
The paper is now available in the ACM Digital Library at "Assessing International Students - the role of cognitive load"